Becuase I promise the seller in US to show him some Pictures I will write in English. we have goth this car from very nice gentlemen mr Jim Laqoy and he did sell it to us with a sad face. He will miss his Impala 63 with 409 that he loved to drive around with the top down
Engines is sometimes like womens they need sometimes help to cool down and on our Impala it is two electric fan that helps us out. controlled by a switch under the dash
After we passed the swedish custom control we did also pass the car inspection and no one could find anything wrong with this beaty....
This is how she looks best from this angle with Fuzzy dice from Vegas
In 1963 you could get everything between the smallest 230 cubic inch 6 inline with 1 Barell carburtor 140 HP to a Big 409 V8 that had 2x4 Barell that was producing 425 HP Our car has also the big 409 that give you 340 HP and that was the strongest if you goth Power Glide.
Aftermarket SunPro 2 sitting where it should on the steering column and has a warning at 4500 RPM
On the turn signal switch you got a switch that looks like you have cruise but the true is that is a Line Look that block the front wheels, then just push the gas pedal and rear wheels will start scream.....
sooo Nice
Frome rear she is a beaty too----
All lights work even the back up lamp
ready to go for New adventures with same car top down sam cd but new people life is sweet